There's is a satisfying moment as a photographer that I am experiencing more and more often now. It's takes place after the dust from the shoot has settled, the editing is completed, and you are about to upload the finished product. It is a moment when you can sit back relax for minute and realize that what you are looking at will be part of peoples lives for a long, long time.
Two posts in one week so far! This is epic for me in my career. But I can't get carried away yet; there is such a thing over blogging.
Chrissy and Ryan's wedding was sweet. Figuratively and literally. First mother nature was absolutely on our side. Clouds flirted above the entire afternoon, but not one drop of rain, NOT ONE. We had a great shoot. Then at the reception, came the candy. Yum! Nothing like filling up on the good stuff. I'm surprised my teeth didn't hurt afterwards.
A great couple to work with, and a fun, fun wedding party, left no dull a moment. Thats what makes for some great images, always.