Hey, and thanks for checking out my blog. My name is Blair Sidorow and I am a photographer based out of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I specialize in weddings but I will shoot almost anything! Below, you'll see some of my latest work and just random stuff going through my head. Please feel free to leave me feedback. I am always interested in hearing from my visitors , so feel free to comment on any posts, I'd love to hear from you. Enjoy!

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Monday, April 6, 2009


I recently came home one day with a pounding headache. Our dogs, Winston (a pug) and Crickett (Crickett is a not actually our dog, she is a cocker-spaniel foster dog from the Winnipeg Humane Society that we are taking care of for a couple months.) greeted me at the door, tails wagging like crazy. Even though Wisnton is 1 he still acts like a puppy sometimes. Needless to say, that when he grabbed a toy a wanted to play, I walked past him on the way to lie down. Squeak, squeak, squeak went the toy. (We do own a lot of noisy dogs toys. Not the best when you have a headache or are hard at work.) I have a hard time trying to get some rest. Doesn't "GO AWAY" mean anything to a dog??

Crickett is more humble and somewhat calm and can be a great dog to just lay with you on your bed without making much of a sound. Because of this, I called her into the room and onto the bed. I took Winston's toy and threw it down the hall and closed the door as he chased after it. Finally silence.

Soon after though I had to get up to grab more painkillers. On my return to the bedroom, there was Crickett, curled up in the warm spot on the bed I had created earlier. I layed down beside her and tugged at the blanket underneath her to get enough to cover myself. Crickett already half asleep at this point, didn't even move after being disrupted. Don't you just wish sometimes you could have the life of a dog?

As mentioned Crickett is a foster dog from the Winnipeg Humane Society. Typically the WHS will foster out cats, dogs, kittens, and puppies when they aren't fit for adoption yet. Sometimes these are animals that have been injured or have an illness. Crickett will be going back next month so that they can find her a great home. I am sure that it won't take long. Any readers who want more information or know someone who may want more information about her can send me an E-MAIL and I will answer whatever I can about this great dog!





This is Winston and one of his many "noisy toys". (I got him for Janel for Christmas of 2007.)





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